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Health Benefits

Empowering wellness & wellbeing

A healthier you

Regular sauna visits are popular for their stress and anxiety-reducing effects. Encouraging friends to spend more time outside can be facilitated by highlighting these benefits, with the Finns playing a significant role in this tradition.



Steam has been a natural method for enhancing skin tone by opening up pores and facilitating the removal of dead skin cells and bacteria through sweat. While this process occurs naturally in the body, the sauna's heat accelerates it, providing a thorough cleanse. The cleansing of pores has demonstrated improvements in capillary circulation, contributing to a softer appearance of the skin.


Feels Great

A sauna not only provides a pleasant experience but is also beneficial for your body. Whether it's the physiological changes in the warmth of a sauna or the serene retreat it offers, seasoned sauna bathers unanimously agree—it feels wonderful!



Saunas are a simple and effective way to improve sleep quality, especially recommended for those dealing with insomnia. Just 15-20 minutes in a sauna is comparable to 1-2 hours of brisk exercise. Sauna use influences the autonomic nervous system, inducing the parasympathetic state (rest and digest), promoting relaxation and contributing to a restful night's sleep.



Saunas effectively relieve muscle pain and inflammation by relaxing muscles and soothing aches in both muscles and joints. The rise in body temperature during sauna use causes blood vessels to dilate, enhancing blood circulation and promoting muscle relaxation. Joints, susceptible to inflammation from overstimulation or overuse, also benefit from the sauna's penetrating heat, reducing inflammation, and alleviating pain and stiffness within minutes.



Sauna exposure increases the production of white blood cells, bolstering the body's ability to combat illnesses and viruses. Additionally, saunas can alleviate symptoms of sinus congestion caused by colds or allergies.



Sweating is a natural process that aids in flushing toxins and impurities from the body. However, our daily activities often don't generate sufficient sweat to effectively eliminate these substances. Sweating also plays a role in expelling heavy metals like lead, zinc, copper, nickel, and mercury that may be absorbed through food or environmental factors. This detoxification process clears the lymphatic system, enhances fat burning, boosts energy for exercise, and can accelerate weight loss.

Opening Times

These opening times are subject to change. We may open additional hours/days upon request for special events, for bank holidays, or or for other holidays throughout the year. Please check our Instagram and Facebook pages to keep up to date with any events we may be holding. 

Thursday: 8am - 8pm

Friday: 8am - 8pm

Saturday: 8am - 8pm

Sunday: 8am - 8pm

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